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Tips for a Successful "Roll Out" of your Key Log Rolling Program.

  • 2 min read
You've got your Key Logs at the pool or lake and ready to roll, you've trained your what?! As an aquatics director for over 16 years I know this is a busy time, and planning out an entirely new program is daunting. So using the "Keep It Simple..." philosophy here are some next steps to get your log rolling program well...Rolling!

First: Get the word out through local media, this is free marketing to your community.
  • Invite local news media stations to come give it a try. They are always looking to cover what's new in the community, and anchors/reporters appreciate excuses to get out of the studio and into the community. Plus, Key Log Rolling® is a GREAT visual on TV, and the splashing sounds make for fun radio. We know firsthand that those weathermen LOVE to do the morning summer forecast at the pool.
Second: Provide opportunities to PLAY on the Key Log, so patrons can see first hand how fun log rolling is!
  • If you are a community, campus or military recreation program, offering “open rolling” times that are promoted in the pool area is a fun way to start. During these times your log rolling staff is in the water teaching everyone how to log roll, how to hold the Key Log for each other, and supervising the activity to keep everyone safe.
  • Challenge your staff to always keep the Key Log busy, if there is a lull they should be log rolling to actively attract new participants.
Third: Provide as many opportunities for your patrons to experience log rolling as you can think of!
  • Add to pool parties/rentals, Teen Nights and Family Nights.
  • Take your Key Log out of the pool and into the community! It's easy (and fun!) to set up a small, shallow inflatable pool during community events. To learn more about how to set this up, read our blog!
  • Hold impromptu challenges and tournaments for fun prizes, like Ice cream from the snack bar. Announce it on the PA, have people sign up "for the next 15 minutes" and then run your challenge.
Here are some fun daily activities and challenges to get you started: 
  • Who can stay on the Key Log the longest
  • Who can make the most rotations of the Key Log in a specific period of time
  • Who can make the most directional changes in 30 seconds.
  • Try adding log rolling to your end of session camp competition.
These challenge competitions are fun and also help to build log rolling skills at the same time!
As you 'roll out' your new log rolling program, contact me if you have questions or want to discuss additional ideas. 
Gotta Roll!

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