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Winter Programming Ideas!

Log rolling in the winter time? You got it. We’re here to break the myth that log rolling is limited to the summer months. Key Logs are easy to put in and take out of the pool (and easy to store!). The portability opens up the calendar to create year round programming opportunities for the members and patrons of your aquatics facilities.

Here is a quick list of ideas for winter programming at the pool.

Holiday Open House During those in-between weeks when programming is out of session, families are often looking for something to do together (and out of the house!) when the kids are not in school. Many families also have visitors during this time of year, and they're looking to take them on a unique experience!

New Years Resolution Program Incorporate log rolling in a New Years resolution "get fit" program. Many resolutions are themed around getting fit or doing something you've never done before...taking a log rolling class accomplishes both!

Holiday Day Camps for Kids Do you offer modified day camps or additional activities while kids are on holiday break? Include log rolling in the camp, and be sure to send info about any upcoming sessions once you're back on your regular program schedule.

Polar Plunge Incorporate log rolling into a Polar Plunge...or as we like to say the "Polar Roller!" Check these Polar Rollers out...

Give the Gift of Fun & Fitness Give log rolling passes to members and/or staff to so they can give it a try, and to get them "hooked." Chances are, they'll sign up for future sessions.

The possibilities are endless, so don't hesitate to contact the Key Log Rolling team for ideas and tips on how to make log rolling a hot program during the cold(er) months. 

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