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Let Log Rolling Cure Those End of Summer Blues!

It's almost August, and already the cries of “Summer is almost over!” have begun. My first response is, “Heck no! We still have one third of the summer left to enjoy. Live in the moment people!” And my second response is “Yeah, but there’s still plenty of time for log rolling left!

As an elite log roller, my summer competitive season is quickly nearing an end, but as a log rolling enthusiast, the prime season for log rolling is just beginning. And here’s why…

1. Lakes are still warm, so even when the thrill of floating on a pool noodle with a blended drink in your hand has waned, being in the water still feels great!  Extend those summer feels into September...or even October like we do!  You might even follow our local Minneapolis Log Rolling Club's bold north lead, and host an end of outdoor season "Ramen and Rolling" event. This involves breaking up newly formed ice while spinning some Key Logs, followed by very hot soup. Very hot!


2. You can log roll right from the beach in knee-deep water. Point being that, even if the air temp is a bit cooler, you can throw on a long sleeve top and still enjoy being outside at the lake. Log rolling gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Take our word for it — you will stay warm!  And being a water-based exercise, log rolling has additional health benefitsaccording to the CDC!  No need to step inside and hit the treadmill quite yet!

3. You’ve already checked off all of your typical summer activities but want to remain active into the late summer and fall season. How do you end the summer on a high note? Buy a Key Log with its easy to use instructional materials, or take a log rolling class at one of many recreational facilities to give yourself that extra 'oomph' and roll your way right into fun and fitness!  Then sign up for indoor classes at one of the 300 + recreational facilities with Key Logs!

Abby Hoeschler Delaney

Key Log Rolling, President 

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